Shaking When Braking? Common Reasons New Car Owners must know


Ever hit the brakes and feel your car vibrate? It can be scary, but don't panic! This shaking, especially in the steering wheel, is a common problem with many possible causes. Let's explore some reasons why this happens and what you can do about it.

Why Does My Car Shake When I Brake?

  1. Warped rotors: Imagine the discs your brakes press against (the rotors) are like a perfectly flat plate. Over time, heat and wear can make them uneven, like a wavy plate. When you brake, the pads rub against these uneven spots, causing the shaking.

  2. Worn brake pads: Think of brake pads like shoes for your car. They wear down over time, and when they get thin, they don't grip the rotors as well. This uneven contact can also cause shaking.

  3. Wobbly wheels: Just like a wonky shopping cart wheel, a loose or damaged wheel bearing can make your whole car shake, including when you brake.

  4. Off-balance tires: An imbalanced tire is like a tire with a weight unevenly placed on it. This can cause a bouncing feeling, which you might mistake for shaking brakes, especially at higher speeds.

  5. Loose lug nuts: These are the nuts that hold your wheels on. If they're loose, the wheel can wobble and cause shaking when you brake.

  6. Stuck brake caliper: The calipers are like clamps that squeeze the brake pads against the rotors. If a caliper gets stuck, it can cause uneven pressure and lead to shaking when braking.

What To Do If Your Car Shakes When You Brake
  1. Get it checked! Don't ignore shaking brakes. It's important to see a mechanic as soon as possible to find the cause and fix it.

  2. Go easy on the brakes. Slamming on the brakes can make things worse. Try to brake gently whenever possible.

  3. Pay attention to other signs. Are there any grinding noises, a pulsating brake pedal, or is it harder to stop the car? These could be signs of a more serious problem.

Keeping Your Car Happy

The best way to avoid shaking brakes is to take good care of your car. This means getting car garage servicing, like having your brakes checked and pads replaced when needed. Just like you wouldn't want to walk in worn-out shoes, your car needs healthy brakes to stop safely.

Finding a good mechanic you trust is like finding a good friend for your car. They can help you diagnose and fix shaking brakes, keep your car running smoothly, and ensure you have safe and happy journeys for miles to come! 

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